About this news blog

The purpose of this blog is to allow the Ventracor Shareholder's Group to assist in the dissemination and sharing of information, and to allow legitimate debate on the items posted on the blog. No claim is made as to the accuracy or authenticity of the content.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Comments have been disabled

We have removed all comments and disabled the ability to add new comments.

One of the reasons we allowed comments was so Ventracor shareholders and employees could alert each other to developments, engage in debate and ask each other questions. However because the comments are unmoderated we have no way of ensuring they are accurate or appropriate.

There is a risk that an inappropriate comment might offend someone or give away something we would prefer to keep confidential. We do not want to take that risk at this critical stage so we have chosen to disable the comment functionality.

We hope you understand and accept this decision. If you want to bring something to our attention please email contact@saveventracor.com


All are invited to post constructive comments on all blog topics.

The comments on the blog may be monitored, and the Ventracor Shareholder's Group reserves the right not to post or remove or moderate any comments which in its opinionare unlawful, threatening, defamatory, offensive, or obscene.

This "blog" has links to information on other web sites. The opinions expressed in these linked articles are those of the relevant authors.

This "blog" allows anyone from the public to post comments. Any views expressed in these comments are those of the relevant author.

The Ventracor Shareholders Group does not endorse the views or opinions expressed in the linked articles or comments.

The Ventracor Shareholder's Group does not accept any responsibility for any injury, loss or damage incurred by use of or reliance on the information.Anyone who wishes to have a comment or link removed from the website should email contact@saveventracor.com immediately.